Image Generators

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we create, process, and manage images. With the advancement of AI technology, it has become possible to generate images using various AI tools and techniques. AI-powered image generation has numerous applications, including digital art, product design, advertising, and much more. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular AI tools used for image generation and their applications.

Deep Generative Models: Deep generative models are a type of AI that is used to generate new images based on a set of data. These models use neural networks to generate images that are based on a set of trained data. Deep generative models can be used to generate images of objects, landscapes, and people.

GANs: Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are a type of AI that is used to generate new images by pitting two models against one another. The two models are a “generator” and a “discriminator”. The generator is used to generate new images, while the discriminator is used to assess the authenticity of the generated images. GANs are used for various applications, including photo-realistic image generation, facial recognition, and text-to-image generation.

Image Synthesis: Image synthesis is a type of AI that is used to generate new images based on given illustrations or text. Image synthesis creates product advertisements, digital artwork, and more.

Image-to-Image Translation: Image-to-image translation is a type of AI used to generate images from a given image. It is used to perform tasks such as image-to-image translation, where one embodiment is translated into another shot with a different style, color, or texture.

These are some of the most popular AI technologies used for image generation. With the advancement of AI technology, it has become easier than ever to create realistic and unique images using AI tools and techniques.


DALL-E: OpenAI’s tool for creating images from textual descriptions.

Deep Dream Generator

Deep Dream Generator: An online tool for creating unique, trippy, and abstract images using deep learning algorithms.

Let's Enhance

Let’s Enhance: A tool for enhancing low-resolution images to high-resolution images.


Prisma: An AI-powered photo editor that can turn your photos into works of art.

Marketing Blocks

MarketingBlocks: A platform for creating and managing custom visual content for digital marketing and advertising.


Artbreeder: An online tool for evolving and creating new images using genetic algorithms.


Adobe Sensei

Adobe Sensei: Adobe’s AI and machine learning platform for content creation and digital experiences.


DeepAI: An AI research organization that offers a variety of tools and APIs for image generation and processing.

Starry AI

StarryAI: An AI-powered tool for creating custom portraits and illustrations.


Fotor: An online photo editor that uses AI technology to enhance images.

Images AI A platform for creating and managing AI-powered images for various use cases.

Neural Styler

NeuralStyler: A tool for turning photos into paintings using neural networks.

MindsEye AI

MindsEye AI: An AI-powered platform for creating, managing, and delivering personalized video and image content.


Shutterstock: A platform for purchasing stock photos, illustrations, and vector images.


Canva: An online graphic design tool that allows users to create designs, including logos, social media posts, and presentations, using a drag-and-drop interface.